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User Guide - Magento 2 Request For Quote Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

With the Magento 2 Request For Quote extension, customers can ask for a quote for a single product, multiple products or the whole cart. Customers will put their preferred items in the quote with their desired product quantity and price. The shop owner can then change the quote such as adjusting the price, adding coupons, approving, canceling and communicating with the customer.

Extension link: Magento 2 Request For Quote extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Request For Quote.

In Enabled: choose Yes to enable the module, or No to disable it.

In Enable Quotation Category: enable quote in page category

In Apply By Categories: apply All Categories or Specific Categories

In Select Categories: seach then select category

In Enable for Customer Group(s): select customer groups

In Use Admin Discount With Promotional Rules: select Yes or No

In Disabled Addtocart: Allow/ Not Allow Disabled addtocart button and reorder button on frontend.

In Enable Mini Quote: Allow/ Not Allow Disabled mini quote.

In Enable Billing Details Quote: Allow/ Not Allow Disabled Billing Details quote.

In Icon: select icon mini quote

In Enabled Addtoquote for all product:Enabled/ Disable addto quote button for all product were not set value for product quote attribute.

In Enabled Convert Cart to Quote: select Yes or No

In Enabled Convert Quote to Cart: select Yes or No

In Enabled Attachment In Comment: select Yes or No

In Quote Expiration: All created quotes will expire after this period.

In Reminder Expiration: Notify the admin/customers of the upcoming expiration.

Email Configuration

In Enable: select Yes or No

In Quotation Email Sender: select email sender

In New Quotation Email Template: select quote email template

In Quotation Remind Email Template: select quote remind email template

In Accept Quotation Email Template: select accept quote email template

In Quotation Template for Guest: select quote email template for guest

In New Admin Comment Email Template: select email template

In Send Quotation Email Copy To: enter email

2.2 Quote Request

2.3 View Quote

Here all the information about the customer and the quote request is displayed.

Product Price displays a real price at the store. Customer’s request is shown in the Price column. Row Total is also displayed according to customer’s price.

Also, it is possible to request quotes for products with tier pricing. In this case, the extension takes tier pricing into account and automatically offers best price for your customers. If a user wants to quote for a lower price, you can сheck the Tier Price and the suggested by a customer price in one place.

View the information about a customer and easily evaluate when the account was created and how much has the customer spent during that time.

Hit the Send button if the quote terms are satisfactory for you. You can also Edit the quote if needed.


2.4 Show on frontend

The system automatically redirects to My Quote Cart page. Here, display information of the product that has been added to quote.

  • Customer makes the quote for product(s) by changing Quote Price and Qty, click Update Quote Cart to complete the change.
  • Click Add Comment to enter and send a message to the admin when submitting the quote. Attachments for messages must not exceed 2Mb.
  • Click Submit Quote Cart to complete the Request creation.
  • Requests created by customer are all displayed in Pending status

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