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User Guide - Magento 2 Faq Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

Magento 2 FAQ extension allows create content and display on your website to answer the common questions that your customers may have. It can help you provide useful information, reduce support workload, and improve customer satisfaction

Extension link: Magento 2 FAQ extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1  Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ FAQ.

Enable module — enable or disable the extension;

Title — specify the title for the FAQ section;

URL prefix — specify the URL prefix for all the knowledge base pages;

Add FAQ To the Toolbar — enable this option to add the link to FAQ to the toolbar;

Add FAQ To the Categories Menu — enable this option to add the link to FAQ to the categories menu;

Add FAQ To the Footer — enable this option to add the link to FAQ to the footer menu.

Allow unregistered customers to ask questions — enable the option if you want to allow guests to leave questions. If you want only registered customers to leave comments, set the option to No

Use FAQ Home Page — choose Yes to make a CMS-page as a FAQ home page;

Select CMS Page — define a CMS-page that will be a FAQ home page. The built-in FAQ Home Page CMS-page will be set by default;

Select FAQ Pages Layout — specify the FAQ pages layout. You can choose to display the sidebar with search and categories on the right or on the left side.

Show breadcrumbs — enable or disable the breadcrumbs display;

Show Ask a Question button — enable or disable the 'Ask a Question' button display. The 'Ask a Question' form will be added to the question and category pages;

Sort Categories By — choose how to sort categories: by position , by name, or most viewed;

Sort Questions By — choose how to sort questions: by position , by name, or most viewed;

Limit displayed answer length — specify the number of the full answer symbols to display as preview;

Show Search Box — enable or disable the search box display;

No Results Text — fill in the text to display when no results have been found;

Include FAQ Categories into Searching — enable the setting to get search results based not only on questions but also on categories, provided that the search query matches the category name.

Limit Categories Number in Search Results — set the maximum number of matched categories to be shown with the query in the search results

Notify admin of a new question — enable this option to notify an admin about new questions via email;

Send e-mail to — choose the addressee of the email notification;

Email Template — choose the email template.

Show 'Product Questions' Tab — enable this option to add the 'Product Questions' tab to each product page;

`Product Questions` Tab Name — give a unique name to a `Product Questions` tab. You can use the {count} variable to show how many questions a product has.

`Product Questions` Tab Position — specify the position of a `Product Questions` tab among other product tabs

Show Ask a Question button — enable this option to add the 'Ask a Question' button to product pages (this option is available only when the Show 'Product Questions' Tab option is enabled);

Limit questions number — define the number of questions to display on a product page. Please, note that no extra pages will be added, only the specified number of question will be displayed depending on their position;

Short Answer Behavior — choose to display a Short Answer or a Cut Full Answer on product pages. In the second case, the answer will cut using the Limit displayed answer length option's value.


2.2  FAQ Questions

To create a new question, edit the existing ones, or add an answer, please go to MAGEHQ → FAQ  → FAQ Questions.

2.3  Create/view Question

Question — fill in the question in this field or edit the existing question, e.g. to correct the misspelled words;

Don't show question direct URL — choose Yes to disable the Read more link and make a question unavailable via direct URL (the URL Key field will become unavailable);

URL Key — specify the URL key for the question here. The key is filled in automatically when the question title is set. However, you can modify the key for SEO purposes;

Stores — choose the store views where the question will be displayed;

Display for specific customer groups - here you can limit the display for the specific customer groups;

Short Answer — specify the short answer here. When set, it will be used as a preview of the full answer on the Product Question tab of product pages. Using this functionality you can provide more diverse coverage of the topic and avoid duplicate content issues;

Full Answer — fill in the full answer using the WYSIWYG editor This field is mandatory due to answer display logic;

Status — choose the question's status: pending or approved;


2.4  View Categories

2.5  Create/View Category

Enable Category — enable or disable the category on the front-end. This option doesn't affect the categories grid;

Category Name — fill in the category name to display on the front-end;

URL key — modify the category URL that is generated based on the Category Name field;

Store View — define store views where the category will be displayed;

Display for Specific Customer Groups - choose customers groups for which the category will be visible.

Position — set the position of the category in the list. The lower the value the higher the category will be displayed;

Icon — add the unique icon for a category (JPG, PNG, or GIF; up to 2MB);

Description — fill in the description of a category.


2.6   FAQ Search Terms Report.

2.7  FAQ Widgets

The module comes equipped with the default FAQ Home Page CMS-page. This CMS-page consists of three widgets that can be modified and used separately on any other CMS-page. They are:

  • FAQ Questions List
  • Back to Product Button
  • FAQ Categories List
  • FAQ Search Box

Each of the widgets has individual settings. To insert a widget, please, go to Content → Pages and select the required CMS-page. Then, enable the WYSIWYG editor and click the Insert Widget button.

2.8  Show on frontend

Magento 2 FAQ extension brings good experience

Every day you have to answer a lot of the same questions of many customers, the store's support team will take a lot of time, high workload. The problem is solved when there is an FAQ extension, customers can search for frequently asked questions easily, can ask directly on each product detail page. Very convenient for the management of the support team.

Magento 2 FAQ extension featured:

  • Allows to create FAQ homepage
  • Advanced search for frequently asked questions.
  • SEO Friendly FAQ
  • FAQ Categories are created unlimitedly
  • Unlimited generated FAQ post
  • Allow to ask questions at the product page
  • FAQ Search Terms Report
  • Easy to install and customize.
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