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User Guide - Magento 2 WebP Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

WebP Images for Magento 2 allows E-commerce websites to improve their images by changing them from PNG, JPEG format to WebP format, which shrinks the file size without compromising the image quality.

Extension link: Magento 2 WebP Image extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ WebP Image

In Enable : choose Yes to enable.Run command composer require rosell-dk/webp-convert

In Quality level: Between 0 and 100

In Skip Folders: Separated by commas. Example: media/catalog/product

In Clean WebP Cache: This action will clean all generated WebP images cache

In Enabled :Choose Yes to enable webp in product page

In Ignore Products IDs: Separated by commas.

In Ignore Images: Separated by commas.Example: product.jpg

In Enabled :Choose Yes to enable webp in category page

In Ignore Categories IDs: Separated by commas.

In Ignore Images: Separated by commas.Example: product.jpg

In Enabled :Choose Yes to enable webp in home page

In Ignore Images: Separated by commas.Example: product.jpg

In Enabled :Choose Yes to enable webp in cms page

In Ignore Page IDs: Separated by commas.

In Ignore Images: Separated by commas.Example: product.jpg

2.2 Show on frontend

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