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User Guide - Magento 2 Auto Related Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

The Magento 2 Automatic Related Products extension automatically presents related products on the website, helping customers acquire important, related products with their order. Set up rules and conditions for presenting related products.

  • Use clever rule-based algorithms to recommend related, upsell, and cross-sell items
  • Display product list on category page, product page, cart page and custom placement
  • Present related products based on history of views or purchases
  • Unlimited Related Product blocks
  • Measure the performance of related offers with advanced analytics

Extension link: Magento 2 Auto Related Products extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1  Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Auto Related Products.

In Enable: Choose Yes to enable the module or choose No to disable it.

2.2  Related Product Rules

2.3  View Rule

  • Statistic : This is where the Rule is applied, the Product selection from the Block of ARP along with the percentage between the Product selection and the Page entry

  • Rule Name: This is where you name the rule. The rule name will be displayed on the Grid in Manage Rules Page and visible only with admins. This is a required field so there will be an error message if you leave it blank.
  • Status : Choose “Active” to enable the rule.
  • Store View: Select the store view where the Rule applies on. Mutiple stores can be selected.
  • Customer Group: Choose customer group from which the Rule applied on. Different customer groups can be selected.
  • From: This is where you select the starting date of the Rule applied to the Product Page.
  • To: This is where you select the ending date of the Rule applied to the Product Page.
  • Priority: Enter a number to set priority for the rule. A lower number represents a higher priority.


  • ARP block will display on eligible products pages
  • You can add, remove conditions by clicking on + or x
  • You can change the true/false of the condition by clicking the bold text
  • Preview Products: You will get a Product List after saving conditions. Click Preview Products to see products which meet conditions. They will be presented in Block.

  • Block name: Enter the block’s name. It’s only visible in the frontend
  • Block Layout: There are 2 modes to choose how product are displayed: Slider or Grid
  • Maximum Products Count: maximum products count on slider or grid
  • Manually Added Products: Choose Display Manually Added Products Only or Replace Manually Added Products or Append to Manually Added Products
  • Display "Add to Cart" Button: Choose Yes to display Add to Cart Button
  • Display "Add to Wish List" Button: Choose Yes to display Add to Wish List Button
  • Display "Add to Conpare" Button: Choose Yes to Display "Add to Conpare" Button
  • Show In Stock Products Only: Choose Yes to Show In Stock Products Only
  • Show products only for Out of stock: Choose Yes to Show products only for Out of stock
  • Data gathered period (days): enter Data gathered period (days)

  • Add Products: multi select Related Products,Up-Sell Products,Cross-Sell Products
  • Data Source: Choose Viewed together or Bought together or Related Product Rules or Product currently viewed
  • Order Status: Choose order status
  • Category Condition: Choose Any or Same as
  • Brand Condition: Choose Any or Same as
  • Brand Attribute: Choose Any or Same as
  • Price Condition: Choose Any or Same as
  • Choose the conditions to define the products that will be displayed in the "related items" block(leave blank for all products).

2.4  Display on frontend

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