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User Guide - Magento 2 Lazy Load Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

Magento 2 Lazy Load is an extension that allows you to enable lazy load for the images on your Magento 2 store, allows loading images when scrolling down to reduce loading time for better performance.

Extension link: Magento 2 Lazy Load extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Lazy Load.

In Enable Lazy Load: choose Yes to enable the module, or No to disable it.

In Lazy load images: choose Yes to enable lazy load images.

In Lazy load iframes: choose Yes to enable lazy load iframes

In Lazy load CMS: choose Yes to enable lazy load CMS

In Lazy load Product Attribute: choose Yes to enable Lazy load Product Attribute.Attributes: description, short description,etc

In Lazy load Category Attribute: choose Yes to enable Lazy load Category Attribute.Attributes: description, image

In Use Low Resolution Image: choose Yes to Show a low resolution preview image before the real image loads.

In Placeholder Image: select Placeholder Image

In Skip images with classes: Comma-separated. Example: "no-lazy, lazy-ignore"

In Threshold: Amount of pixels below the viewport, in which all images gets loaded before the user sees them.If the threshold is set to 200, the image will load before you scroll to 200 pixels.

In Delay: If you want to load all elements at once after page load, then you can specify a delay time in milliseconds.

In Effect: select Show or Fadein

In Effect Time: Time in milliseconds the effect should use to view the image.

2.2 Show on frontend

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