User Guide - Magento 2 Html Sitemap Extension
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1. Overview
Magento 2 HTML sitemap extension helps customers navigate your whole site, this extension will be able to gather all your sitelinks in one page, help enhance the customer experience and attain higher rankings on search engine results pages
Extension link: Magento 2 Html Sitemap extension
2. How Does It Work?
2.1 Settings
Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Html Sitemap.
In Enable: choose Yes to enable the module, or No to disable it.
In Show Store: select Yes to show store
In Show Categories: select to show categories
In Maximum category depth level: Leave empty for default (all categories).
In Show Products: Keep it disabled if you have a big number of products.
In Categories/Products Sort Order: select Name or Position
In Show CMS Pages: select Yes to show cms pages
In Show Additional Links: select Yes to show additional links
In Additional Links: A comma-delimited list of links and link labels to append to the sitemap.
In Title: enter title
In Meta Description: enter meta description
In Meta Keywords: enter meta keywords