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User Guide - Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email extension automatically emails customers reminders about products that they forgot in their cart, inviting them to return to your online store and pay for their purchase easily.

  • Recover abandoned carts fast.
  • Schedule email notifications.
  • You can email any customer manually.
  • You can customize the content of the emails.
  • View abandoned cart statistics and reports.

Extension link: Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 General Configs

For configuring the extension, log in to Magento 2, move to Stores > Configuration > MAGEHQ EXTENSIONS > Abandoned Cart where you can find various settings to enable the extension.


Enable Abandoned Cart 

By choosing “Yes” the admin can enable this module else “No” to disable the module.

Hours for Abandoned cart 

Here, the admin can set time in hours. After these hours, Cart will be abandoned.

Day for abandoned cart 

Admin can set time in days. The first email will be sent to the customer between “Hours for Abandoned cart” and “Day for abandoned cart”  for the abandoned cart, whenever cron will run within this time period.

Follow Up for Second Mail

The admin can set the time in days. After these days, the second email will be sent to the customer for an abandoned cart whenever the cron will run.

Follow Up for Third Mail

The admin can set the time in days. After these days, the third email will be sent to the customer for Abandoned Cart whenever cron will run.

You can customize the content of the emails.

The extension provides pre-made sample emails that can be easily customized according to your expectations.

Cron Schedule 

Here, the admin can schedule/set up a cron time to send automatic mail to the customer for the abandoned cart


2.2 View Customer List

Here, the admin can see the Customer Email, Name of the Customer, Created and Updated Date, Number of Items.

The admin can click on the Individual Details under the Action button to see the Abandoned Cart Customer Details, as per the below snapshot:

Here, the admin can see the Cart DetailsCart Products, and Sent Emails.

In this section, the admin can see customer cart details like;

Customer Name, Customer Email, Items in Cart, Tax, Total, Applied Coupon, Created, and Updated Date, and IP address 

Cart Products

This section shows the admin the information about the products that were left in the cart without being purchased

Product ID, Product Name, SKU, Quantity, and Price of the product

Sent Emails

In this section, the admin can see all manually sent emails to the customer 

The admin can click on Send Mail to manually send the custom emails to the customer:

Then, the customer will get an email that looks like this:

2.2 View Email List


Manage customer email information in admin page easily, customer name. customer email, product details are in cart


2.3 Abandoned Cart Reports

In Abandoned Cart Report admin can see the number of Abandoned Carts, Sent Emails and Restored Carts


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