User Guide - Magento 2 Price Per Customer Extension
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1. Overview
With the Magento 2 Price Per Customer extension, admin can adjust product prices for each customer or customer group. This feature helps enhance customer satisfaction and involvement, helping to create stronger customer bonds by offering unique discounts.
- Change prices for any product
- Give different product prices to any customer
- Use the rule option to apply the new price
- Set pricing rules for each customer group
- Show pricing rules for store view, website
- Set Start Time and End Time
- Make multiple Prices Per Customer Rules
Community Edition: 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Extension link: Magento 2 Price Per Customer extension
2. How Does It Work?
2.1 Settings
Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Price Per Customer.
In Enable: Choose Yes to enable the module or choose No to disable it.
2.2 Price Rules
Go to Magehq => Customer Prices => Customer Prices Rules
Add New Price Rule by clicking the Add New Rule button at the top right corner.
2.3 View Rule
- Title: Type the title you want to set for the rule.
- Price Type: Select the type of custom price for the default price.
- Price Value: Type the value that you want to custom for the default price.
- Description: Write a short description of this rule for better management.
- Customer Group: Choose the Customer Group of this rule.
- Store View: Choose the Scope of this rule.
- Status: Choose Enabled to use this rule on the frontend. Choose Disabled to disable this rule
- Start Time: time start display rule on the frontend.
- End Time: time end display rule on the frontend.
- Priority: the display priority of the rule
- Select Product Conditions and Customer Conditions applied for this rule.
* Please note that if you leave all blank, the price rule will be applied for all products and all customers on the website.
2.3 Show on frontend
Finally, go to the frontend and check the result.
-Product Page:
- Category Page