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User Guide - Magento 2 Gdpr

User Guide

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1. Overview

The GDPR extension for Magento 2 helps online stores to follow the GDPR rules, ensure that your site gets all the required user consents to avoid fines and protect your business.

Extension link: Magento 2 Gdpr extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Gdpr.

In Enabled: Select Yes to Enable Gdpr

In Email Sender: enter the name of the sender from Store Email Address of the default.

Setting Cookie Consent:

In Enable Cookie Policy Bar: Select Yes to enable cookie policy bar

In Display for all Countries: Select Yes to display for all countries

In Cookie Log Auto-Cleaning Period (Days): The records that were saved for a longer period will be automatically removed from the log.

In Cookie Bar Style: Select Classic or Side Bar or Pop Up with Toggles (Recommended)

In Lock Screen: If enabled, a visitor can't interact with the store before accepting cookies consent.

In Text:  enter text show in popup

In Background Color: select color

In Policy Text Color : select color

In Links Color: select color

In Show Decline Button: select Yes to show decline button

Agree All Button: For this, you can specify the following settings:

Button Name

Button Color

Button Color on Hover

Text Color

Text Color on Hover

Decline Button: For this, you can specify the following settings:

Button Name

Button Color

Button Color on Hover

Text Color

Text Color on Hover

Settings Button: For this, you can specify the following settings:

Button Name

Button Color

Button Color on Hover

Text Color

Text Color on Hover

Form' Consent Checkbox

In Registration Form: Select Yes to show consent checkbox in registration form

In Subscription Form: Select Yes to show consent checkbox in subscription form

In Contact Us Form: Select Yes to show consent checkbox in contact us form

In Checkout Form: Select Yes to show content checkbox in checkout form

In Checkbox text: enter text

2.2 Customers' Requests

This section shows the customers who requested to remove their personal data and account. You can find it in the main Magento menu under Customers -> Customers' Requests.
This section allows you to manage these requests. You can either deny or approve a request. Once you make a decision, you cannot change it.
The grid allows you to sort by date, customer, request type, status, action, and ID.

2.3 Cookie Consents Log

2.4 Cookie Group

2.5 Cookies

2.5 Show on frontend

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