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User Guide - Magento 2 Reorder Product Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

With Magento 2 Reorder Product extension, customers can easily reorder any products they have bought before. They can view their previous purchases in a grid and select the ones they want to buy again. This saves them time and hassle in finding and reordering their favorite products.

  • See all previous orders on “My Previous Purchases” page
  • Organize the purchased products grid, easy to sort and navigate
  • Check product details by quick view popup
  • Add more products to cart with 1 click
  • Enable searching for ordered products from the list

Extension link: Magento 2 Reorder Product extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1  Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Reorder Product.

In Enabled: choose Yes to enable the module

In Redirect to Cart after Adding Products to Cart: choose Yes to allow customers to redirect to cart after they add products to cart, if not, choose No.

In Redirect to Wishlist after Adding Products to Wishlist: choose Yes to allow customers to redirect to wishlist after they add products to wishlist, if not, choose No.

In Enable to Add All Products to Wishlist: choose Yes so that customers can add all ordered products to the wishlist.

In Show Quick View Button in Column:

+ Image: choose Image if you want to show the Quick View button on the image of items.

+ Name: choose Name if you want that your customers can click into items’ name. Then, when customer click images, they can be zoom in/out.

In Show Quantity: Choose Yes to show the stock number of products, choose No if you want to hide it.

In Show SKU: Choose Yes to show SKU of products.

In Products per Page on List Allowed Values: type numbers separated by commas to set the number of products shown per page.

In Products per Page on List Default Values: choose one of the numbers you set on the above box to set the number of product will be displayed as default.

In Products Listing Sort by: choose one of these below:

+ Name

+ Price

+ Ordered Date

+ Ordered Quantity

In Allow Showing All Products per Page: choose Yes to show "All" option in the "Show X Per Page" dropdown, if not then choose No.

2.2  Show on frontend

  • List all purchased products in one place for fast reordering
  • Choose which information to show: SKU, product image, price, ordered quantity, stock status, quantity box to reorder.
  • Search items by any piece of information above. The search autocomplete makes it faster.
  • Support Quick View to see the current price of items and choose product options in the popup
  • Add multiple ordered products to cart and redirect to checkout.
  • Support adding multiple purchased items to the wishlist
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