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User Guide - Magento 2 Delivery Time Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

With the Magento 2 Delivery Date extension, customers can choose a suitable delivery date and time to get their order and leave a delivery comment

  • Easy to set delivery date and time.
  • Set the minimum time interval between order date and delivery date.
  • Customize the title of the Delivery Time section
  • Allow setting Holidays/Exclude Days/Blackout Days
  • Allow customers to leave comments.
  • Restrict days off
  • Let customers select a preferred time slot for receiving their products
  • Adjust the time format to your preference
  • Allows you to choose where to display the Delivery Time block.

Extension link: Magento 2 Delivery Time extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1  Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Delivery Time.

In Enable: Choose Yes to enable the module or choose No to disable it.

In Display At: Choose at which step delivery date should be captured.

In Title Delivery Time Information: enter title delivery time information.

In Title Delivery Date: enter title delivery date.

In Title Delivery Time Slot: enter title delivery time slot.

In Title Shipping Arrival Comment: enter title shipping arrival comment.

In Processing Time: Delivery will be taken after(x) day(s) upon the date order(s) made.

In Cut Off Time: If customers place order after this time the date when orders made will be counted as the following day.

In Holidays/Exclude Days/Blackout Days: You can add holidays or exclude days or blackout certain dates from your deliver calendar.

In Time Slots: You can add time slots and customer only select one of selections.

In Enable Shipping Arrival Comment: Choose Yes to enable the comment or choose No to disable it.

In Disable Delivery Date: Choose days on which shipping will not be available.

In Date Fields: you can choose which format as you want for Delivery Date.

The admin can set Date/Time Slots/Comment field as the required field if wanted.

2.2 Insert info to sales emails

Besides allowing a very detailed timing customization, Order Delivery Date for Magento 2 extension also adds customers’ Delivery Date, Time Slots and Arrival Comments Information directly to Orders/Invoices/Shipments/Credit Memos info in the backend for admin to keep tracking more easily. To check it, from Admin Panel you go to Sales section and choose which one you want to see. Opening every single order/invoice/ shipment/credit memo you will see the added part of this module.


As for Emails, Order Delivery Date for Magento 2 Extension automatically adds Delivery Date, Time slots and Arrival Comments as given by customers into email variables so that when creating an email template, you can use this information if needed. To do so, from Admin Panel you go to Marketing ⇒ Email Templates ⇒ Add new template:

Step 1: Choose a template from the list and tap Load Template to edit the template as wanted.

Step 2: Enter Template Name, for example, “New Order for Guest.”

Step 3: Choose where in template content you want to display new variables value and click Insert Variable…

Here is the list of variables you can freely pick from.

Step 4: Save Template on completing the insert of the variables.

Step 5: Go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Sales ⇒ Sales Emails

In New Order Confirmation Template under Order settings, choose the new created email template and Save Config.


2.2  Display on frontend

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