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User Guide - Magento 2 GeoIP Redirect

User Guide

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1. Overview

With the GeoIP Redirect extension for Magento 2, you can automatically direct store visitors to the most relevant store view, based on their location. This can help you provide a better user experience and increase your online store's conversion rates.

Extension link: Magento 2 GeoIP Redirect extension

Please run command: composer require geoip2/geoip2 after install extension GeoIP Redirect

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ GeoIP Redirect.

In Enable GeoIP Store Switcher: General setting affecting all rules

In Display Popup When Redirecting: Select Yes to display popup

In Popup Text: enter text

In Apply Logic To — Choose how you want to apply the redirecting rules:

Specified URLs
All Except Specified URLs
Redirect From Home Page Only

In Excepted URLs: Enter the URLs that you want to exclude from the redirecting rules in this field. You need to select either the Specified URLs or All Except Specified URLs options above to use this field.

In User Agents to Ignore: Bypass redirection rules for some specific search engines

In Ip to Ignore: Each IP on a separate line.

In First visit redirect only: Caution! Choosing "No" will prevent visitors from changing Store View / currency.

In Redirect Between Websites: enable to redirect visitors between several websites.

  • Yes - a customer will be redirected to the store view of a website from another website within your Magento (e.g. a customer tried to reach the default store view of the Website A, but was redirected to the store view 2 of the Website B).
  • No - a customer will be redirected to another store view only within one website. No redirection to magento 2 store view will occur if a customer reached another website of your Magento (e.g. a customer tried to reach the default store view of the Website A - success. A customer tried to reach the default store view of Website B and was redirected to the store view 2 of Website B).

In Enable Country --> Store View: To select the countries that are affected, please change the 'Current Configuration Scope' to the store view that you need.

In Affected Countries: select country

In Enable Country --> Currency: Select Yes to  automatically switch currency according to user’s location.

In Country to Currency Mapping: define country — currency relation by selecting countries and the appropriate currencies. Hit the Add button to create a new relation

In Enable Country –> URL — enable to redirect visitors from certain locations to any other URL.

In Country to URL Mapping — select locations and specify the URL that would be used for redirection. Use the Add button to create a new country — URL relation.


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