User Guide - Magento 2 One Step Checkout Extension
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1. Overview
Magento 2 One Step Checkout Extension makes the checkout process easier, saves time for customers, cuts order abandonment rate and boosts customer experience
- Complete checkout steps on one page
- Easily customize the checkout layout
- Optimize the One Step Checkout page, displaying full information
- Recommend Google address
- Easily set comment on your order and your desired delivery date
- The most fully set up delivery, payment methods, and discount options, gifts are set
Extension link: Magento 2 One Step Checkout extension
2. How Does It Work?
2.1 Settings
In Enable: Choose Yes to enable the module or choose No to disable it.
In One Step Checkout Page Title: Write your wanted title for the checkout page.
In Enable suggesting address by Google: If set to Yes, Onestepcheckout extension will allow auto complete address.
In Google API Key: insert your key api google
In Router Name: Choose an URL name for your checkout page.
In Default Shipping Method: Choise Default shipping method selected
In Show Delivery Date:
- Choose Yes to display Order delivery date in the Shipping method section that allows customers to choose their own suitable dates and times to receive orders.
- Choose No to disable this function.
In Show Delivery Comment:
- Choose Yes to display a Delivery comment box in the Shipping Method section.
- Choose No to hide it.
In Show Subscribe Newsletter:
- Choose Yes to allow customers to subscribe to the newsletter on the checkout page.
- Choose No to disable this function.
In Show Gift Message:
- Choose Yes to allow customers to send a gift message to other people.
In Show Discount Code:
- Choose Yes to display a discount code box for entering coupon codes.
- Choose No to hide it.
- Choose No to disable this function.