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User Guide - Magento 2 Export Orders Extension

User Guide

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1. Overview

With Export Orders for Magento 2, store owners can easily manage and back up their orders information by exporting order data to various formats such as CSV, XML, MS Excel XML, JSON, and XLS

Extension link: Magento 2 Export Orders extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Export Order

In Enable : choose Yes to enable

In Allow to run profile by direct URL: This option can be useful when running profiles by cron (using wget for example) or with the help of the external software.

In Security code: You should provide this code in the URL to run profile. If security code is empty, profile will not run! It is recommended to use combination of letters and digits, something about 10 symbols.

2.2 Manage Profiles

You can view, delete, add new profiles or run any of them manually right from the grid.

To create a new one, hit the Add New Profile button and follow a profile set up steps.

General Configuration

In the first tab adjust the general information of the profile.

Automatic Execution: Run automatically after each new order is placed

Name: specify the name of the profile for internal usage. This name will be displayed in the grid.

Store View: select store

Auto run profile: Choose Yes or No

Use Order Number Filters: select Yes or No

Starting From #: Order number to start export from. Ex. 100000040. Leave empty to ignore.

Ending With # Order number to end export with. Leave empty to ignore.

Skip Starting From: In case of "Yes" export will start from the order, next to the specified in the "Starting From #" field. Else specified order will be exported as well.

Automatically Increment Starting From: Automatically fill "Starting From #" field with the last exported order number after each profile run

File Name: Just name, with no extension. Will be used both for file saved to local folder and for one uploaded via FTP. NOTE: if "Add Timestamp" is disabled, file will be overeaten on each export run!

File Path (Local): Absolute path, or relative to Magento install root, ex. "var/export/". Please make sure that this directory exists and is writeable.

Add Timestamp: Timestamp will be added as a prefix to the file or as a new folder in which file will be saved

File Format: select file format


2.3 Manage History

2.4 Manage 3rd Party link

Hit the Add New Connection button to create a new link.

2.4 File Order Export

Please click Run Profile Now ->then click tab Run History -> click Download File get file


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