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User Guide - Magento 2 Blog Extension

User Guide

Welcome to Magehq Docs

1. Overview

The Magento 2 Blog Extension allows you to create and manage a blog on your store, allowing you to provide your customers with useful content and increase your SEO ranking and website traffic

Extension link: Magento 2 Blog extension

2. How Does It Work?

2.1 Settings

Please go to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ Magehq Extensions ⇒ Blog.

In Enabled: choose Yes to enable the module, or No to disable it.

In Menu Item Title: enter title menu item

In Display Blog Link in Footer: select Yes  to display blog link in footer.

In Display Blog Link in Header: select Yes to display blog link in header.

In Display Blog Link in Top Menu: select Yes to display blog link in top menu.

In Route: Must NOT contain any slashes. For example: http://domain.com/blog

In Url Suffix: Add Your extension at end of Link, for example: http://domain.com/your_route/POST_IDENTIFIER.URLSUFFIX

In Use Categories Identifier in Posts URLs: select Yes or No

In Date Format: Full: Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST,LONG: January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm,MEDIUM: Jan 12, 1952,SHORT: 12/13/52 or 3:30pm

In Disabled All Comment Blocks: select Yes or No

In Show Breadcrumbs: select Yes to show breadcrumbs

In Show Toolbar Top: select Yes to show toolbar top

In Show Toolbar Bottom: select Yes to show toolbar bottom

In Show Image: select Yes to show image.

In Image Width: enter image width

In Image Height: enter image height

In Show Title: select yes to show title

In Show Short Description: select yes to show short desciption

In Short Description Character Count: Number of characters in a post to be displayed before it is truncated and the Read More link is added. 0 for unlimited.

In Show Readmore Link: select yes to show readmore link

In Show Categories: select yes to show categories

In Show Author: select Yes to show author

In Show Comment Count: select Yes to show comment count

In Show Updated Time: select Yes to show updated time

In Show Created Time: select Yes to show created time

In Show Hits: select Yes to show hits

In Show Tags: select Yes to show tags

In Show Like/Disklike Buttons: select Yes to show like

In Show Image: select Yes to show image

In Image Width: enter image width

In Image Height: enter image height

In Show Title: select yes to show title

In Show Description: select yes to show description

In Show Categories: select yes to show categories

In Show Author: select yes to show author

In Show Comment Count: select yes to show comment count

In Show Updated Time: select yes to show updated time

In Show Created Time: select yes to show created time

In Show Social Block: select yes to show social block

In Show Hits: select yes to show hits

In Show Tags: select yes to show tags

In Show Social Networks: select yes to show social networks

In Show Comment Block: select yes to show comment block

In Allowable Tags: enter tags

In Type: select type

In Auto Publish Comment: select yes to auto publish comment

In Number Comments per Page: enter number comments

In Limit Chars Comment Content: enter limit chars

In Allow Reply A Comment: select Yes to allow reply a comment

In Enable ReCAPTCHA V2: select Yes to enable captcha

In Allow Send Notify Email: select Yes to Send notify email to admin user when a guest submit a comment on the blog post

In Send Emails To: enter email

In Email Sender: select email sender

In Email Template: select email template

In Enable Next/Prev Posts Nav Block: select yes to enable next/prev posts

2.2 Manage Post

2.3 Manage Category

2.4 Manage Comments

2.5 Manage Authors

2.6 Show on frontend

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